Revive Us Again | Week 14 | Acts 17


February 11, 2024 Pastor Jeff Rice Covenant Reformed Baptist Church Tullahoma, TN


Revive Us Again | Week 15 | Acts 18

Revive Us Again | Week 15 | Acts 18

All right, if you will at this time take your copy of the scriptures. Well, since you're already still in Acts 17, let's remain there.
Acts chapter 17, we will consider verses 30 and 31.
Acts chapter 17, verses 30 and 31.
This is the 14th message in the series. Let me open us up in prayer. Oh God, Lord, I stand before you this day,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And God, I ask that with this spirit that you have given me,
Lord, that you will speak forth from this vessel to your people,
Lord, that you will cause a shakening, if I can use that made up word, to come upon us as a church that serves you, that will cause us to leave and serve our community, serve the surrounding communities, serve those on the other side of the world.
Lord, we see this impossible task, but we serve you, a
God that does impossible things through regular, ordinary people.
God, please, in the name of Jesus Christ, the
Nazarene, move in us that we may serve you.
In Jesus' name, amen. Let's begin with the text.
Acts chapter 17, verses 30 and 31. Paul, still speaking, says,
The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now has commanded all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed.
And of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.
Our overarching theme as we've been moving through this book is revive us again.
Ladies and gentlemen, we need revival. I don't know if you pay attention to what's going on in the world, and if you're like me, you see the evil.
You see the transitioning that's taken place. You see that Satan still is at work.
You see that the world's power and the political system is coming with their long arm to bear upon the people.
And you can see this church that's in the world, that's looking to Jesus, and it seems like we have met our match.
It seems like we have come to the point of no return. It seems like there's nothing that can be done for things to overturn.
Ladies and gentlemen, we serve a God that's in control, that has foreordained all things.
So as we're looking in the landscape and we're seeing these things there that are, it looks to be like no end for us.
It looks like this or even might be the end for the church. We need to understand that this is not caught
God by surprise, that he has ordained these things and he has ordained his church to thrive.
And he has given us what we need to bring about this revival. He's given us his word.
He has told us what to do. He has showed us what it looks like. And as we're going through the book of Acts, we're seeing what it looks like.
We're seeing the command given to the apostles to go out and make disciples.
And you're seeing nations transformed by the power of God's word. And so right now, as we're in this position, we can look with our eyes and see turmoil.
We can look in the scriptures and see a time of turmoil where the church is being persecuted. And yet the church is transforming the world.
And we can say, oh, Paul's so bold, and he was. But Paul was given a power, and it's the same power that we have.
Stephen Olfert, I hope I said his last name correctly, says this, quote, it is my conviction that we are never going to have revival until God has brought the church of Jesus Christ to the point of desperation.
Read that again. It is my conviction that we are never going to have revival until God has brought the church of Jesus Christ to the point of desperation, end quote.
Ladies and gentlemen, if we are not at that point right now, I don't want to see what that point looks like.
Are we desperate for God? Are we desperate for Jesus Christ?
Are we desperate for revival to take place in our time? In other words, until Jesus is all that we need, we won't have revival.
Our theme as we're going through this book, this section that we're looking at today is the blessing of knowing
God. Do you ever sit and think about how blessed you are because you know
God? John 17, 3, Jesus in his high priestly prayer says, now this is eternal life.
That they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
Eternal life is knowing God. So ladies and gentlemen, as you sit here as Christians, as people who know
God, you have eternal life. You are blessed.
You are blessed. You have the blessing of God on you.
You have a book that tells you all you need to know about God. We have
God. We have eternal life. We are blessed. Unless you are worshiping the one true
God, listen to me church, you are going to be weighed in a balance.
And in that balance, you're going to be found wanting on the day of judgment. Unless you are worshiping the one true
God, you're going to be weighed in the balance. And in that balance, you're going to be found wanting.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is no time to waste.
Right? That's that saying, there's no time like the present. There's no time to waste. The day is coming.
That day is fixed. And that day could be any day. And I say this despite your eschatology.
If you think that there's no way that that day could not be today, you need to change your eschatology.
You need to fix your eschatology. Jesus can come back any time.
The biggest problem we see in the New Testament is that the Jews had their eschatology wrong.
There were certain things that they saw in the Old Testament that was going to happen supposedly the first coming of Christ.
It did not happen. So to them, Jesus was not the one. Ladies and gentlemen, eschatology is something you have to discuss with your hands and mind open.
We all could be wrong about certain points that we think we're right about. Jesus could come any time, any time.
We have to live like he could come today. That's the way we are supposed to live.
He's coming today. That's how we are supposed to conduct ourselves. That's how we are supposed to live when we're out in the world.
And that's the incentive that we should have to go out and witness.
It could be any day. In our outline, Paul calls the men of Athens to repent.
And he gives them four reasons as to why they should repent. Reason number one, they are no longer, excuse me, they are no longer overlooked.
Reason number two, the day of judgment is fixed. Reason number three, they will be judged by a man.
And reason number four, our assurance of this judgment. And as we transition, so as we have left
Acts chapter 15, Paul has been doing amazing things. Paul was able to preach the gospel.
And as Paul was preaching, the Lord opens a woman named Lydia's heart to receive this message.
She was baptized along with her household. Paul gets arrested. Paul is thrown into prison.
But the Lord shook things up. The Lord shook things up in such a way that their shackles fell off.
And Paul did not run away from that prison cell. Instead, Paul uses the
Philippian jailer. God uses Paul in the Philippian jailer's life.
The man who was looking over him in this prison to bring him the knowledge of truth.
And this Philippian jailer became a believer. He was baptized, him and his household.
Paul has not stopped. In preaching the way that we're doing here as we're going through the book of Acts and we're looking at the gospel presentations,
I've made this statement before, there's no way that I could cover everything. So we're basically hitting the highlights.
But I want you to know that just because we've skipped some chapters, Paul has been at work.
The problem is the way that we're doing it is there's no real gospel presentations.
The word gospel is mentioned, but you don't see them given the presentations, which is why we're skipping over that. But I understand
Paul has been at work. And I also want to point out the boldness of Paul. I mentioned that earlier that Paul was bold, but the reason that he was bold is because he had the
Holy Spirit. Ladies and gentlemen, you can be bold this day, too, if you have the
Holy Spirit. I want to point out the boldness of Paul in that and to say that the same spirit that he has is the same spirit that we have.
There's nothing that Paul was given that you are not given in Christ. So as we look and we read these scriptures and we see these magnificent works done by Paul, Peter and Silas and all these other guys, we don't need to think that they're on some different tier than we are when it comes to the church and the faith.
They have the same spirit. The difference is they were obeying the word of God.
We sometimes in our bubble don't.
We can be about what we're reading about if we do. I just want to point that out.
You and I can change and turn our world upside down through the proclamation of the gospel.
That's what was taking place in the book of Acts. They're turning the world upside down through the proclamation of the gospel.
Start out with 12, 120, 3 ,000 were saved, 5 ,000 were saved.
Nations are beginning to be conformed to the image of Christ.
So reason number one as to why they should repent, they are no longer overlooked.
They here speaking of the Gentiles. Paul finds himself in a position where he is around the
Epicureans and the Stoic philosophers. These are the educated. You read that verse and we're about to look at it in Romans where Paul talks about that he comes to the
Greeks and the barbarians, right? In context and historical context, this is speaking about so if you could speak
Greek, you were known as the educated. If you could not speak Greek, they called you the barbarians.
So look with me real quick as we go as we look at this passage in Romans. Romans chapter 1 beginning in verse 14,
Paul's speaking. I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians.
So he's saying both to those that speak Greek and to those that don't speak
Greek, to the educated and the non -educated. This is what this is speaking about.
Both to the wise, that would be the Greeks, and to the foolish.
These are the non -speaking Gentiles. So I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the
Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it, speaking of the gospel, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith.
As it is written, the righteous shall live by faith. And we looked at that last week on how we as Christians, we who are righteous in Christ are to live in faith.
We're not to live in the law, we're to live in faith. And the Holy Spirit that's in us causes us to keep the law.
We're to live in the law, the old covenant. We're to live in the new covenant, the righteousness of Christ.
And that Spirit that's given to us causes us to keep the law. If you have the
Spirit of God, that Spirit will cause you to keep the law. And Paul says that I am not ashamed of this message.
I preach it to the wise as well as the foolish. And when you look in 1 Corinthians, I truly believe that this part right here, this section that we're dealing with in 1
Corinthians, as Paul is writing it, this part in Acts must have already taken place.
I feel like as I'm reading it, it seems familiar, like he's looking back at a memory, right?
He says for verse 18, For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.
For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the discernment of the discerning.
I will thwart. Where is the one who is wise?
Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not
God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God, the world did not know
God through wisdom. It pleased God through the folly of what is preached to save those who believe.
For the Jews man signs and the Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach
Christ crucified. Listen, a stumbling block to the Jews.
They did not believe that their Messiah was going to come and die. Their eschatology was wrong.
And folly to the Gentiles. How can you worship a
God who died? Listen again. But we preach
Christ crucified. A stumbling block to the Jews and folly to the
Gentiles. But to those who are called both Jews and Greeks, we, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God.
For the foolishness of God is wiser than man. And the weakness of God is stronger than man.
For consider your calling. Listen, listen, listen clearly, brothers. Listen to this. If you're like me, this fits you.
This is your bill. For consider your calling, brothers. Not many of you were wise according to worldly standards.
Not many were powerful. Not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise.
God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong. God chose what is low to despise the world.
Even things that are not to bring to nothing the things that are.
So that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of him, you are in Christ Jesus.
Because of God, you are in Christ Jesus. Who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption.
So that as it is written, that the one who boasts, boasts in the
Lord. Ladies and gentlemen, we are not to boast in our intellect.
But we are to boast in the power of God who sent his son.
And in sending his son who lived the life that you and I could not live.
Keeping that law that condemns us.
And him taking our punishment in his death. Being buried and rising again on the third day.
That message which is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the
Gentiles. He's saying it's the power of God.
And that's what's going to change the world. That message is what's going to change the world.
And the reason why a lot of people don't go out and share their faith. Is because they see that that is seems foolish to the wise.
Because it's foolishness to the wise. They are afraid to approach the wise man with what the
Bible says is foolishness to them. And therefore causing fear to come upon them.
Ladies and gentlemen, when you understand that it is not by your power or might. That salvation is brought to someone.
It can change your outlook on how we are to present this. I am a ex -gangbanger.
I got kicked out of high school at the age of 15 for gang violence.
I am of the foolishness. Before coming to Christ, my conversations were more or less grunting.
I barely could say anything. Conversation was little.
God is taking the foolishness of the world. And he will confound the wise.
You, like me, represent the foolishness. And if you want to know if God can use you, be obedient to his word.
I guarantee you, he will use you. Don't be afraid when you're standing before the wise.
To proclaim to them what they see as foolishness. Ladies and gentlemen, God will use you.
The Greeks, they did not deny the existence of God. And as a matter of fact, they surrounded themselves with false gods.
Look with me in verse 22. We're going to read from 22 to 29. So Paul, standing in the midst of the
Ariocopans, said, Man of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious.
For as I pass alone, I observe the objects of your worship.
And I found also an altar with the inscription to the unknown God.
What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you.
That God who made the world and everything in it, being
Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man. Nor is he served by human hands as though he needed anything.
Since he therefore gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.
And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.
And they should seek God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him.
Yet he is actually not far from each one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being.
Even as some of your own poets have said, for we are indeed his offspring.
Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man.
I want to point out several things. Paul uses the earthly to explain the heavenly.
Paul is doing the same thing we see Jesus did. Jesus takes the earthly to explain the heavenly.
And I'm going to be bringing that out more clearly in my message when the conference comes.
Paul here found an altar with an inscription to the unknown
God. You see, they did not want to miss out on something they did not know about.
They did not want there to be a God out there that they did not worship, that they were unfamiliar with.
Whenever the Roman army would take over nations, and they see these nations and they would worship other gods, sometimes these gods that they were worshiping were very familiar to them, but called by a different name.
And if they were not familiar to them, what the Romans did was they adopted that God.
They brought that God into their pantheon of gods, and they worshiped this God. And so they always had an altar to a
God because they knew that they were more, they believed in a pantheon of gods. And so they did not want to leave this
God that they weren't aware of out. And so they offered prayer incense and burned things to this
God, and maybe even sacrificed to this God. And Paul is using what is there, this earthly altar, to explain to them.
Paul uses that altar as a launching point to explain to them the
God that they didn't know personally. Eternal life is to know
God. These people did not have eternal life. They did not know God. Paul is going to use this to explain to them.
Paul points out to them who the true God is. He tells them that he is creator.
He walks through that he is the creator of not only heaven, but earth.
God created everything. He tells them that this God who created heaven and earth is not served, meaning that he cannot be held, right?
Even as God is depicted in the
Old Testament, and also parts of the New Testament as being behind the veil, we know that he is omnipresent, right?
Although the Shekinah of glory dwelt in that temple, the presence of God was everywhere, right?
The presence of God was everywhere. You cannot contain the presence of God.
He made mention that we are made from one man, every nation. He points back to Adam.
We are made of one man for every nation. Ladies and gentlemen, this right here should kill all racism, especially if you're a
Christian. Every one of us come from one man. I don't care the melon in your skin.
We come from the same one man, Adam. We are kinfolk, right?
Hallelujah, South. We are to be connected together. We allow the stupidest things to come between us.
The color of our skin, the way that we talk, whether if you're from Cali or Tennessee, me and Ash are trying to defeat this thing, right?
It does not matter. We come from one man, and yet we look for every reason to fight and bite, and to fight with each other, and to hate each other, and to throw one another out of the kingdom.
He points out that this God is sovereign. Not only has he created heaven and earth, and that he cannot be contained, and that through him we come from one man, but that he is sovereign, meaning that that was his plan.
He is in control of all things. He foreordained all things. Anything that comes to pass has come to pass because he has foreordained it.
He points out that we are his offspring, meaning that although he created the heavens and the earth, you cannot contain his presence.
We all come from one man to all nations. He's in control of all things, and we are created in his image.
We are his offspring because we are created in his image. We have the imago
Dei. Then he also makes mention of that in this true
God cannot be an image. He's not contained in temples.
He's not contained in images. You cannot form him out of gold, out of silver, from the art and the imagination of your mind.
Right? We had a friend not long ago who was talking about build a
Jesus, right? Jesus is not something that you can make up from the imagination of your mind and say that this is what he looks like.
The Bible tells you who Jesus is. You get your Jesus from the
Bible or you don't have Jesus. You get your God from the Bible or you don't have
God. Paul is laying down this message and then verse 30, after he gives this message of who is the creator, that this
God is creator. He is not to be served by human hands that from him all nations came to be from one man that he's sovereign.
We are his offspring and you cannot form him into an image. He says this in verse 30, the times of ignorance,
God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.
They shall, you and I, they should have, you and I should repent because the times of ignorance that God overlooked is no more.
If you are familiar with the scriptures, then you are familiar with the story of Noah. God tells
Noah to build an ark for him and his family, eight persons in total, as well as for the beast of the earth.
God at that time did not overlook the evil in the earth and he with water judged the earth.
God did not overlook their evil. Paul is saying the reason why
God has not done that again is because he was overlooking your evil. Judgment came on the earth during the time of Noah.
And after Noah, God focuses his attention on Abraham for the most part, the
Jewish people, the physical descendants of Abraham. And the purpose for the physical descendants of Abraham was to bring about the promised seed, which is
Jesus Christ. And that through Jesus Christ is that blessing fulfilled in Abraham that all the nations are going to be blessed.
And that's what Paul is doing. He is he because Christ has come, the nations are to be blessed through that proclamation.
We see in the book of Acts, Paul fulfilling, Paul being obedient to what the Bible says by going and telling by proclaiming this light that now that Christ has come, the times of ignorance
God overlooked has come to an end. Ladies and gentlemen, that means what we do matters.
Right now, what you and I do as Christians matters and what the people do outside of our context, outside of Christianity, it matters now.
The command is for all people, not just the Jews. Not just for Noah, all people to repent.
Reason number two as to why they should repent. Because a day of judgment is fixed.
Look at verse 30 and we'll read a portion of 31. The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now has commanded all people everywhere to repent because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness.
Paul here, I believe, is has the story of Noah in mind as he's pointing to a future day of judgment that's going to come upon the world.
The only difference is that this time all humanity is beginning to be warned as Noah was warned.
After Noah had built the ark, Noah had to enter into the ark to be saved.
Noah builds this ark. If Noah doesn't enter into the ark and that flood comes,
Noah's not saved. Noah builds the ark, but in order for him to be saved, he has to enter into the ark.
And although the ark that is Christ came in the flesh through Abraham, his descendants, the
Jews, have to enter into the ark to be saved. And you and I, who are not his physical descendants, have to be, have to enter into that ark as well.
The whole world is called to enter into this ark. God's warning to Noah was for Noah and his family alone.
Alone. I don't care what you've been taught. Alone. You may be thinking, but Noah was a preacher of righteousness.
And he was. But he was told to bring his family on the ark outside of the beast of the earth.
Turn with me to Matthew chapter 24. I'm going to read something from this prophetic part of the scriptures that a lot of people overlook.
Matthew 24. We'll begin in verse 37.
For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the
Son of Man. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day when
Noah entered the ark. Right here, verse 39. And they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away.
So will it be of the, so will be the coming of the
Son of Man. They were unaware. Noah was not told to go and proclaim the message that a flood was coming.
But where it calls him a preacher of righteousness, I would argue that with every swing of that hammer, he was preaching
Christ. Every time he add a piece of wood to another piece of wood and swung that hammer or put pitch on that ark, he was proclaiming
Christ. Judgment is coming. Repent.
But never with his words. The Bible tells us that that ark was for him and his family and for the beast of the earth.
They weren't worn because there was no provision made for them. There was no provision made for them.
The ark as big as it was, was too small for all humanity at that time.
First Pete, excuse me, and Peter in first Peter three describes Jesus as being the ark of the new covenant.
And if you have called upon the name of the Lord, the name of Jesus, you have entered that ark, which is
Christ. God himself sent the ark.
We have to enter into the ark. The Bible tells us it's by calling on his name.
If you have called upon his name, you have entered that ark. If you have not called upon his name, you are outside the ark.
And judgment is coming. There's a day when judgment is coming.
God's delegates, Paul and Peter, you and I are supposed to give this warning of a future day, a day in which
God is going to once again judge the world in righteousness.
This means he's not going to judge the world in love. He's not going to judge the world in mercy.
He's going to judge it in righteousness. And that righteousness has to do with law keeping.
If you have not loved God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind and with all of your strength and loved your neighbor as yourself, you're going to be found wanting.
You're going to be weighed in the balance and found wanting. And that is every one of us. None of us have kept that law.
All of us are unrighteous and he's coming to judge the world in righteousness. So he sends an ark.
This ark has loved the father with all of his heart, with all of his soul, with all of his mind and with all of his strength and has loved his neighbor as himself.
And whenever we call upon his name and we enter that ark, that ark protects us from the wrath.
That ark is the righteousness of God in Christ. Why is he judging the world?
If you're paying attention, that is, you will know that our world is very religious. There's a
Petra of gods that they believe in. Some of them are formed from the imagination of their mind.
Some of them think themselves to be God. Our world is very religious.
They know there's a God because of creation. So therefore, they worship and serve the false gods of their imagination.
They know there's a God. Everyone knows there's a God. According to the
Bible, God, the God of the Bible, Father, Son and Holy Spirit is supposed to be our first love.
And ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to speak to you Christians for a second. Confess to me what occupies your mind and I will reveal to you the
God you worship. Confess to me what occupies your mind and I will reveal to you the gods you worship.
Does Father, Son and Holy Spirit occupy your mind? Are you given over to the truths of Christianity?
Is this what drives your life? I pray it is this week.
This is all script, please forgive me. How many y 'all know that pastors struggle with sin as well?
We're not sinless. And if you think we are, keep reading the
Bible. God deals with me, right? There's certain things that I don't even think is a sin.
And then as I get older, I'm like, oh, the Lord's dealing with me. I didn't even know this was a sin, right?
The Lord deals with me as he should, as he should be dealing with you. And as I'm studying the scriptures,
I'm studying and all of a sudden I see that he's dealing with me in this sin. I immediately shut the
Bible, open it somewhere else. Speaking of the same thing. Shut the
Bible, open it somewhere else. Same thing! And I knew right then
I can no longer, I can no longer go to that.
I can no longer go to that. The Lord has spoken. The Lord has spoken.
I can no longer look back at that. That cannot enter the ark.
We have to repent. We have to look to Christ.
Confess to me what occupies your mind and I will reveal to you the gods you worship.
And oh, if there were more people like Paul today who used the gift that was given to them.
Paul, who stood before the public square and proclaimed to the people that the times of ignorance that was overlooked are no more.
God is going to judge the world in righteousness. Point number, reason number three as to why they should repent.
They will be judged by a man. We're back at our text. Verse 30 and 31.
Again, we're only going to read a portion of 31. As we leave here today, you should have 30 and 31 memorized. We're going to read it so much.
The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now has commanded all people everywhere to repent because he has fixed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness, right here, by a man whom he has appointed.
This man that he has appointed is the God man. We have all come forth from one man, which is
Adam. And we are going to be judged by a man, the God man, Jesus, the
Nazarene. The Bible calls this Jesus, the Nazarene, the last
Adam. The life that you lived will be compared to the life lived by Jesus.
If that's not the scariest statement you ever heard, keep reading the Bible. The life that you lived will be compared to the life lived by Jesus.
You, you're breaking the perfect law of God compared to Jesus keeping the perfect law of God.
I've given this illustration before, but I've thought of a way to make it better. So bear with me if you've heard it.
I heard a preacher preaching one time and he talks, he's a golfer and he spoke about how he he went to this, this arena type thing is kind of like a game room system at this golf place.
But they had it to where you could swing a club and then you could see how your swing looks compared to Tiger Woods' swing.
And so you would get up there and you would swing the club and then they would do a side by side visual of what you look like compared to Tiger Woods.
Imagine your life compared to Jesus Christ.
That's what judgment is going to look like. If you have believed in Jesus and you have been given the
Holy Spirit to love your neighbor, to believe in God and love your neighbor, you are given the perfect righteousness of Christ.
Now, imagine if they could take that, that, that video, right, the, imagine if I swung, which probably looked really bad, or I don't even know if I'm holding my pen right.
If I swung that golf club and they were to take those pictures of Tiger Woods and put them side by side, but imagine if they could take that video of Tiger Woods and overlap it with my video.
And then the next thing you know, you cannot see my swing, but you see Tiger's swing.
That's the Christian in the eyes of the Father. He does not see our unbreak, our breaking the law.
He sees the righteousness of Christ. But if you have not believed in Jesus, that means you have not been given his spirit to love
God and neighbor, therefore, you have not been given the perfect righteousness that when you are judged,
God is going to clearly see. You're breaking the law compared to his son keeping the law.
And ladies and gentlemen, that's what's called being weighed in the balance and found wanting.
You do not tip the scale compared to Christ. The life that he lived in our stead.
Reason number four as to why we should repent. Our assurance of this judgment again, look back at those two verses, the time of ignorance,
God overlooked, but now has commanded all people everywhere to repent because he has fixed the day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed and of this given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.
The assurance that this judgment of righteousness is going to happen is that God raised him, this man,
Jesus Christ from the dead. Could you imagine that message being brought to the world today?
Telling you know that God is going to judge the world. He has given you assurance that he's going to judge the world.
The atheist saying what assurance he raised Jesus from the dead. But I wasn't there.
How do I know? That's the assurance that God has given us that a judgment is coming.
He raised his son from the dead. The Greek word here for assurance is pistis.
It's the same Greek word. We get the word faith, believe or belief from.
When dealing with the Greek here is with believe and faith, you have these two Greek words, pistis or pistou.
Pistis means believe, but it can go a little deeper, but also pistou means faith.
And but he can dive a little deeper into faith. They're not actually interchangeable, but depending on the context of what this means, it's the how we are to interpret it.
He is saying you could say that he has given us faith that this is going to happen.
He has given us faith that the world is coming to an end and that God is going to judge this world by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The God who gives faith to some gives assurance to all that this judgment and righteousness is coming.
You say, well, what if they don't believe? It doesn't matter if they don't believe. It doesn't matter.
But but we didn't see Jesus raised. It doesn't matter if you didn't see
Jesus raised from the dead. That's the assurance that God has given us. What other event in history has split time, but the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
That event is our assurance that God is going to judge the world.
And listen to me deep down. Everyone knows this judgment is coming. They know there's a God because of creation, but they suppress the truth of God in their unrighteousness.
They know their sin. They know the moral law. They know it's wrong to lie. They know it's wrong to steal.
They know it's wrong to be when you know, to be disobedient to their parents.
And they probably won't even recognize until they have children who are disobedient to them. They know they sin and they know deep down that one day there's coming a day of reckoning.
And they know this because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and their unrighteousness.
They know that they will be judged in righteousness to you and I who are
Christians. This should give us greater faith in God, because like then we know there's a
God because of creation. But unlike them, we know God personally because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We know God personally because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
And I want to give you two ways to view the assurance. Our view is in faith.
Our view in faith changes us. We know that day is coming.
We have the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit keeps the law of God for us. We can look back in time and see how
God has used the Holy Spirit in our life to conform us to his image.
We have a great assurance. On the other hand, their assurance isn't a great assurance.
Their assurance is fear. They know they've broken that law and they know they're going to stand before God.
So in fear, they suppress the truth of God and unrighteousness. Now, the text doesn't tell us the full message that Paul preached, but we can conclude by the next verse that Paul also preached the resurrection of the dead as part of this judgment and righteousness.
Look at verse 32. And when they heard, so this is what
I was talking about earlier with first Corinthians. I believe Paul had this in mind when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked these
Greek philosophers, these Epicureans and Stoic philosophers began to begin to mock.
But others, some other Greek, these are Greek philosophers. But others said, we will hear you again about this.
And as you go on to read, you'll see that some even believed some of these intelligent
Greek philosophers believe because the gospel is God's power for salvation, making wise, making foolish the wise.
We know that this message was preached. Listen, that's when that will take place.
This resurrection of the dead when Jesus Christ returns the second time, right?
And the dead are raised. That's when this resurrection. I mean,
I mean, I mean, at the resurrection, that's when this judgment and righteousness is going to take place.
That's when the separation of the sheeps and the sheep and the goats are going to take place.
Now, I want to give to you a harsh judgment upon the church real quick. And maybe this is not you.
But I can't sit here and point out or maybe this, you know, for those that are watching, I can't sit here and point out.
I just want to bring something to light that I've noticed. Maybe just maybe the reason why the church isn't experiencing revival is because we've lost our hope in the resurrection of the dead.
We have become Epicureans and stoic philosophers in our thinking that this is all that there is.
We've become full preterist without becoming full preterist. This is it.
Maybe that's why we're not obeying the word of God by going out like Paul in the public square and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Paul truly believed in the resurrection of the dead. Paul truly believed that judgment was coming. And because he truly believed it, he went out and proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Are we awaiting persecution to come to awaken us from our slumber? I hope not.
Are you waiting to? It gets worse than this before you start opening your mouth.
I hope not. Why would the devil persecute a church with no backbone? He won't.
The devil is not going to persecute a church with no backbone. But man, listen to me. Even as Christians, you're called to be men.
You're called to stand up for what you believe in. If a man walked into your home with a with the intent to hurt your family, you must get rid of the threat.
Satan has the intent to destroy this world.
We got to be armed with the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, and fight back.
Amen. Bible says the gates of hell will not prevail. When you walk outside, it looks like it's prevailing.
Doesn't it? It looks like we're losing. Ladies and gentlemen, we're not losing.
We're not losing. All this has been preordained. You know what else is preordained? You getting off the pew and going to the people.
That's preordained. If you believe that Jesus is the
Christ, the son of the living God, that he died for your sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried and on the third day rose again from the scriptures, you must believe that judgment is coming.
And the assurance of that is that God raised him from the dead. And if we love our neighbors, we will warn them of this judgment and call them to get on the ark, which is
Jesus Christ. Now, why should you repent? Verse 30 and 31, the times of ignorance
God overlooked. But now has commanded all people everywhere to repent because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed.
And of this has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.
You've heard the gospel. The call to the nonbeliever is to enter the ark of Christ.
How do you do that? You call upon his name. You call upon his name.
If God is working on your heart, call upon his name. Call upon his name.
Call upon his name. And you will enter the ark.
If you're here today and you are a Christian. We are commanded to believe in Jesus Christ.
And that's how we love God with all of our heart, with all of our soul, with all of our mind, with all of our strength. And we're called to love our neighbors.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you're feeding your neighbors, but you're not giving them the gospel, you're not loving your neighbor. Do not give them the food that perishes without giving them the food that doesn't perish.
We are Christian. We are the foolish who are sent out into the world to confine the wise with the message of the gospel.
And I pray this day you will repent and begin to do so. The leadership here is available to anyone who wants to talk, whether that be in this moment, at dinner or throughout the week.
We are here for you. Please let us know. Let's pray. Oh, God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Lord, we do worship you. We thank you for your word that leads and guide us with the power of the
Holy Spirit. And we thank you that we're able to look through this wonderful book,
Acts, and see what took place and how with the Holy Spirit you gave your people boldness and they went out and changed the world.
Lord, please, in Jesus name, give us this boldness, give us strength, give us peace when we go out into the storm.
And Lord, if whatever it takes, Lord, please use us in this city,
Lord, use us in this small town, Lord, to cause such a ripple that people in Africa will feel the effects of of Tallahoma.
Lord, please, in Jesus name, use us, use us mildly, Lord, use us weak vessels, use us uneducated men and women to confine the wise with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And Lord, I pray right now over your supper, Lord, I pray that for those that are able to partake, that you will use us, use this to the conform us to the image of your son.
I also pray that if there be any in here today who have who are living in sin and unrepentant,
Lord, that you will give to them repentance, that you will give to them faith to confess their sins to you so they can partake with a clear conscience,
Lord. But if there's anyone in here that's that that's that's hard headed and unwilling to repent more, that you will keep them from this table and reveal the sin, their sins to the eldership.
Well, we love you. Please bless us with your presence in this time to change our world.