Where Did God Come From? (Classroom Series)

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Where did God come from? Does the first verse of Genesis provide insight to this question? Credit Attribution: This video follows Kent Hovind's arguments on this same topic. See our entire Classroom Series here: www.genesisapologetics.com/classroom


Okay, if you want to believe in God, that's fine, but answer me this, where did
God come from? May I? Be my guest. Space, time, and matter are a continuum, meaning they have to come into existence at the same exact time.
So, first, we have time. Next, we have matter.
And then, space. If you have matter but no space, where would you put it?
If you have matter and space but no time, when would you put it? They have to intersect and come to one being.
So, what could do that? God. And God, of the Bible, answers this in one verse. In the beginning, time,
God created the heavens, space, and the earth, matter. You see, the God that I worship is not limited by space, time, and matter.