The Supernatural (Part 2)


You either are a naturalist or a supernaturalist. Are you a liberal or do you believe in the supernatural?  Did you know that there were many supernatural evens that happened when Jesus died? Why did these happen?


Classic Friday: Three Imputations (Part 3)

Welcome to uncompromised rate industry. I almost missed my cue. I was writing something down and I'm usually in at 12 to 13 seconds of this intro music and I looked and it was 14 or 15
What in the world? How are you? Hope to see some of you
Before heaven got to meet quite a few of the listeners over the years. I appreciate it when people say we listen regularly
I'm thankful for that Just got a good email from a friend in San Diego area
Man named Luke not my son. Although I'd answer my son's my friend, too
And I listen he said and I'm encouraged and so I'm thankful for that Luke you're a good man, not just because you
Compromise Cancer is not your shepherd a 31 -day guide to suffering.
That's the third book in the 31 -day guide series and The updated sexual fidelity 31 -day guide to purity is out.
Don't forget. You can always get I think my best -selling book at least in a short amount of time gospel assurance a 31 -day guide to assurance and I'm working on two other 31 -day guides and maybe more 31 -day guide to law gospel.
We'll see how long I Guess if I had enough 31 -day guides
I could make a few hundred bucks Every little bit counts
Biden omics, you never know Remember Reagan omics. I remember that I remember when tip
O 'Neill Democrat used to get along with Ronald Reagan Republican. I think
I remember when Ronald Reagan was a Democrat Yes, that's true,
I remember when this song was popular that's that's that's blended with the other song
Oh, I'm synchronizing the two not working
I'm not working And that's a long intro Today part two supernatural events leading up to the resurrection to help prepare you for the greatest
Supernatural event that's ever happened the resurrection of Jesus the most significant Event that's ever happened.
You can either be a naturalist or a supernaturalist. She can't have both you can either be a
Supernaturalist or you can be a liberal You can either a firm that God Breaks into time and space and does something extraordinary surpassing the laws of nature of gravity of Not of logic,
I don't want to say that that's not what I'm after laws of physics laws of Periodic periodic tables
When I was in chemistry classes, I had to memorize a lot of that stuff And noble gases and things like that.
They're like, ah, I just not cut out for that Probably just didn't want to do it probably grew up in Nebraska.
Could you care less? Omaha I saw my mom on an old One of the family members
Patty Benroth's daughter Natalie put a collage of some old probably VHS's together and then posted on YouTube Watching my mom, of course,
I love my mom dear Saint in the Lord and I would watch her and I forgot how that she how she talked
She talked kind of like a hick from Nebraska, and I'm thinking that's where I got it That's where I got it.
I love my mom. Come on. I'm not so sure about that For my whole life
You can pray for me that my medication the chemo not chemotherapy, but cancer targeting drug
Drugs, there's two different ones. I take one pill in the morning with 20 ounces of water then
I have a couple cups of coffee and then I have another 20 ounce glass of water and then
I'm off and running Sometimes literally
A Different kind of running. I can't believe I just said that and then
I've got some, you know multivitamins and zinc and D slash k2
K2 is that right? Okay. K2 is the mountain D slash K. Is it K2? I don't know somebody will email me but by the time you email me
I have long forgotten this Because this is in the future and then I'm back to the future and off we go
Cod Cod oil I take I take some red rice yeast some flour statins
And Then around nighttime I take four other four different kinds of cancer pills and then a little bit later than I take the same pill that I took in the morning and And then at night a couple others and then splice throughout the days but selected selectively throughout the day there's three other kind of pills that I take that's a
Cyclovir and that's because my immune system is gonna kind of get shot and they don't want me to get shingles even though I've had
The shingrix, I think two of those When vaccinations were vaccinations, I had two vaccinations
Oh So anyway, no compromise radio, that's what we do pray that that it would work so far so good
I will go in next Tuesday every 28 days. I go in for blood test and some more medicine and Maybe just a disclaimer
Or just a request. Thank you for praying for me. I really appreciate those that are concerned from the bottom of my heart
And I think I've said this before if you have articles that you'd like to send me About carrot juice and Lime juice or something or broccoli or eating keto or eating no sugar
Or something or other To help me with my health Wonderful. I will receive those and be very thankful if you want to tell me how bad the
Pharmaceutical industry is and I shouldn't be taking the two cancer drugs that I'm on now I should just be living a clean diet
Please don't send me those. They they don't do me any good. I don't believe them. I'm not going to do that If you want to do that fine
But I'm going to be a good steward and I have a wife and four kids at a ministry
The Lord has given me I think I've got many more years to go and I'm not going to just say well And again,
I'm being sarcastic now and simplistic I know it's not this only but You know just be a vegan or just eat clean foods or just eat the super food and the super protein or whatever and You don't have to do the rest
Obviously, I think there are problems within the pharmaceutical industry. We've seen that in the last few years. Have we not?
That exactly true Just this week. I know somebody who is getting treatment for cancer and they're going to need blood ahead of time for their
As a result of their future treatment and they are asking for a blood type to be given in advance of this procedure for this person having bad cancer and They're look asking for non the hospital is asking for non vaccinated blood.
That is kovat vaccination blood Non kovat vaccination blood so that is very fascinating to me and that could probably be a whole show
So they don't do those things, right? I don't do conspiracy theories. I don't do Covid conspiracies.
I don't do building seven fell on its own. I Definitely do don't do flat earth there flat earth theories
If you're a flat earther, I'm not and I think your position is is sophomoric
You never heard that sophomoric? remember sophomoric You're a freshman, you know, you don't know anything.
I mean you're just walking in you're scared You're like, okay, whether you're a freshman in high school or freshman in college and Then you're a sophomore.
You think you know it all so sophomore comes from two Greek words Sophia moron moron us
Wise fool you think you're wise, but you're really a fool. I Think I'm just gonna start calling people that said
I can't say Raqqa the Lord Jesus told me not to say that in the Sermon on the Mount, but I can't say what a sophomore
When I'm riding the bicycle You're like hey, I Can't yell out if somebody's trying to cut me off with their five -ton truck and I've got a 16 -pound bicycle
I'm way over to the side of the right. I'm not even taking up much room. You're supposed to give me four feet by law
I'm not being a jerky bicyclist. I don't like jerky bicyclist when I'm even in a car And I can't yell
Raqqa Sometimes I just yell what what I'm gonna go sophomore It's 10 minutes in I haven't said one
One single Bible verse we're talking about supernatural signs that lead up to the resurrection we saw the last time darkness
Right signifying judgment. Jesus was being judged for not his sins, but our sins since he was sinless
The curtain torn in two from top to bottom accessed to God's presence For everyone not just the high priest once a year, but at any time any place with a mediator the
Lord Jesus We have access to God. That's Romans 5 to talk I believe and now the third supernatural sign which is new for today.
So I'm catching up really fast Is the earthquake? the earthquake chapter 27 of Matthew verse 51 and behold
The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom and the earth shook and the rocks were split
So you could break this up into two if you want earth shook rock split, but we put them all together behold earth shook rock split
You say gotcha Because earthquakes aren't supernatural We can explain them all scientifically naturally.
It's not a supernatural thing Hey Palestine sits on a major rift there an earthquake rift a seismic seismic rift and they happen a lot and See Just just normal.
I mean you're trying to push it. I know Mike with the darkness Darkness isn't supernatural. Maybe it's an eclipse at noon to three
Well, we ruled that out because of the timing and what was happening and what the Old Testament said about darkness often judgment
The same thing here if you do some study in the Bible about earthquakes
You're going to see in the Old Testament, especially That earthquakes were regularly the symbols of God's presence gone
God intervening sometimes intervening in Judgment and you can look at the
New Testament the sixth seal in the book of Revelation Judgment now the earthquake might not be
In and of itself miraculous If it weren't for the timing of it
Jesus dies and there's the earthquake Now, how do you work that out? I guess by faithlessness
By unbelief you can say that just doesn't move me or if you're reading with a keen eye the eye of faith
You can say exactly when Jesus dies, there's an earthquake exactly when
Jesus dies the Curtain is torn from top to bottom How do you climb up there 60 feet 80 feet up and then?
There's an earthquake Shaken the earth splitting the rocks
God's intervention into the affairs of the world and judgment and Jeremiah 10 and Joel 3
Nahum 1 This is a supernatural event God is preparing you for the ultimate supernatural event.
You see the darkness at noon You see the curtain torn You see the earthquake
The timing behind it all and now we see fourthly our fourth the graves open
This is amazing now finally I get to say this part and this is without a joke
This is real and how long you've been on that? Oops medication. Sorry wrong one Sorry Okay, that's it
I finally get to use it this is my Matthew 27 52 to 53 passage
The tombs were opened the bodies many bodies of The Saints who had fallen asleep were raised and Coming out of the tombs after his resurrection.
They went into the Holy City and appeared to many That's right
You put up with the ten minutes of intro for this but this is worth it my dear friends I Have my notes what in the world?
bodies of Saints who have fallen asleep were raised now First question is besides what in the world who are these people?
Maybe maybe Abraham Samuel David Samson Maybe he got
God, you know he was Made alive again, and he pushed his way out of the tombs
Remember, we're not talking about buried underground We're talking about in a in the tomb Right rock roll across you know, you put the body in the tomb put the rock across there and then you have
The flesh eaten and all that stuff and decay and then you take the bones and put them in an oshory box That kind of thing
And then put in the family cave You know the side stone rolled up These people were raised at the
Lord's death And then they hung out Friday night Saturday Sabbath and then on Sunday Probably Sunday morning.
They get up and walk into the city Wasn't really long that they had to hang out.
Maybe they were talking to each other while they're hanging out near these tombs Shouldn't surprise us that they're not going anywhere on the
Sabbath And their bodies were raised We're not talking ghosts
We're not talking apparitions we're not talking about specters These are bodies
Now, I don't really think it's a glorified body yet because Jesus has the first fruits
Of the dead and his glorified bodies different. I think this is more like a Lazarus deal where we have a reinvigorated or renewed our or I Don't want to really say regenerated because that's gonna make you think about regeneration by you know, the proceeds faith type of thing
Think of it these people were looking for the Messiah Hoping for the
Messiah trusting the Messiah These are saints. These are people that believed in who
God was and maybe they had met Jesus heard about Jesus heard his claims and They're still walking around the resurrection
You know, you have these rock tombs and Here's the earthquake and Jesus death is so powerful.
It triggers all this Well, if a body that's in the ground Gets up and starts walking around.
I think that's pretty supernatural. Don't don't you will you just give me that? The Opening of a tomb we don't know really why he they waited till the resurrection of Jesus God doesn't tell us
It just says that they waited. Okay Sabbath is my best guess but if they're going to get up and Walk around and say
Jesus is alive They probably should wait till Jesus is alive. I Personally think
This is not Moses walking around. This is not Elijah walking around. This is not
Elisha walking around. This is not Hosea Malachi Nahum David Solomon Adam I think these were people that had died recently
Now, I know James Peter James and John Recognized Moses and Elijah on the
Mount of Transfiguration, even though they'd never met them Right, you're gonna get to heaven and you're gonna recognize who people are even though you don't know who they are
You never seen Moses's face You're looking for Charlton Heston. I hope Charlton Heston isn't happened.
I mean, I know he narrated it narrated the Bible and I Think he generally said he believed I hope so, of course
That'd be wonderful But it's gonna be people that had died recently so they can be recognizable
To other people as they walk around Maybe Peter James and John on that mountain was given special insight by the
Spirit of God wouldn't doubt it. Probably so When you're in heaven, you'll recognize people because you'll know as you're known
Certainly, so but just regular people walking around Maybe even unbelievers.
I assume that part of this is going to be people that died trusting the Messiah Are raised from the dead they wait there for a day essentially a day, right it could be 24 hours in one minute because you count any part of a day as a day
So, you know, that's why Jesus died on Friday and the third day He rose again from the dead because we count Friday then Saturday than Sunday.
So that counts it could be You know, you could say three days from 11 59 p .m.
Friday to 1201 a .m. Sunday that's counting three days as they would count in the
Jewish fashion and You've got unbelievers and they would see people walking around now if it's
Moses. I mean, I'm certainly Positive. He's a good evangelist, but the people wouldn't know.
Oh, it's just a regular person out evangelizing but let's say there was an unbeliever and they buried their loved one a week before Jesus died
Jesus dies that person is raised from the dead literally Waits for a day in the tomb area, let's just call it a cemetery for fun
As cemeteries aren't too fun, but that's another story I used to take my kids to the cemetery and we would just look at tombs here tombstones here in Massachusetts you can find some pretty old ones
Death angels on the top and Bible verses and you find some with Red Sox paraphernalia, you know, he loved
Manny And Then you would be you'd be walking down the street you have buried your loved one and there they are
Jesus died on the cross and is alive and you better trust in him. That's what's happening here
Here the way the text is Just lays it out simple. No explanation
As Jesus raised Lazarus these people are raised Jesus says I'm the resurrection in the life
He who believes in me will live even though he dies and whoever lives and believes in me will never die
That's John 11 John 14 because I live Jesus said you also will live.
He said that to his disciples These dead men walking around. Why are they walking around the day of the living dead?
I'm sure they're proclaiming the truth with their body Jesus resurrect is Jesus resurrects and Jesus is resurrected
Final supernatural sign Paving the way to the resurrection a great supernatural sign the great supernatural sign is the opening of a sinner's heart
The opening of a sinner's heart if you want to take this one away and maybe it's not as explicit as the others
You can but I don't think you should Because as impresses as darkness is the curtain torn into earthquake graves open
We're all leading to this anyway, and it takes a supernatural event to take a heart of stone and turn it into a heart of flesh When the centurion verse 54 and those who are with him keeping watch over Jesus saw the earthquake and took what place they were filled with awe and said
There's just not the one centurion but others truly This was the Son of God the
Gentile could say because the torn veil means access to everyone Not just Jews not just men not just priest not just high priest
This is the Son of God And I think as those Johnson's right you never hear about a centurion in the
New Testament in a negative way He sees the darkness he feels the earth shaking he sees the way
Jesus died he sees the light come back He hears what the people next to him are saying about Jesus the two thieves
And they see how Jesus died he the centurion and the others they see it
Father forgive them. They do not know what they do Woman behold thy son behold thy mother usually when you're on the cross you
Swear at people sometimes they cut out your tongue Because you swore so many times How does
Jesus talk I thirst Today you'll be with me in paradise father into your hands
I commit my spirit and This man is converted At the cross at the cross where I first saw the light
And the burden of my soul rolled away. This man was truly the Son of God mark chapter 15 says
Understanding that loving -kindness and truth have met together righteousness and peace have kissed each other Psalm 85 right there at the cross
Remember the poem who was the guilty who brought this upon thee alas my treason
Jesus hath undone thee Twas I Lord Jesus it I was denied.
I was who denied thee I crucified thee and the centurion thinks that very thing right then and there
The centurion and others so we have two or three witnesses
This truly is the king of the
Jews What's your response? What's your response to this Jesus is soon buried
The guard is at the tomb. They seal the tomb and what happens
You should be thinking Supernatural supernatural supernatural supernatural supernatural.
I think something supernatural is going to happen Mary Magdalene and the other
Mary go to the tomb There's an earthquake there There's an angel there
Guards are trembling The angel says do not be afraid. I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.
He is not here for he has risen as he said vindication promises kept salvation secured
The father says amen to the sons it is finished and unlike Pilate who didn't know
There's a way to be really cleansed. He thought he could cleanse his hands with water but here
You see That you don't have to bear your own judgment. You don't have to be condemned
Although guilty and a rebel just like me before I was saved Jesus dies for sinners just like you
And our response your response should be I believe and Because of him you are in Christ Jesus who became to us wisdom from God that is righteousness and sanctification and redemption
That's first Corinthians 1 30 He breaks the power of cancels sin.
He sets the prisoner free That's you dear friend. That's me. And that's for all those who would ever believe in Jesus The one who's been raised from the dead and that good news that last 16 minutes was worth the first 10